Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Unemployment, a Big Issue!

 Landing a Job after a year of Rejection

Students graduating from college are entering perhaps the toughest, most uncertain job market in generations. In our series, we met recent grads who shared the frustrations and fears they faced as they set out in search of work. In this installment, we follow-up with one of our previous grads who has now landed a job after a yearlong search.

Melanie Singer an ordinary women starts of about her opinion on her situation. She studied about unemployment in her college years very firmly. Following graduation, it took her a whole year to finally find work as an accountant. "I even remember I looked over my books, my accounting books, before I started just because I was nervous that I wasn't going to remember something important," she says.
Now, Singer balances the spreadsheets every month and reconciles the accounts — all of the things that her college degree prepared her to do. And now with her job, she's paying off her $15,000 in student loans.
"For once it felt like OK, all this work is finally paying off," she says.
Back when Singer was unemployed, she had gone to interview after interview and sent out more resumes than she can remember. After a while, she said, it took a toll on her. After these challenges in her life, Singer learned a lot about patience and preservation, and she is on fire about her education also aiding to help solve the unemployment problem in the U.S.

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